Passive Income Reports

Passive Income Report – Feb 2014

Here is the passive income report for February 2014. Money from amazon india & flipkart has been converted from INR to USD to make it easier to compare.

  1. Amazon (US) : $60.39
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $2.21
  3. Flipkart         :    $13.9
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $13.52
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0
  6. Adversal     :    $1.6
  7. Adfly            :     $0.31880
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.30
  9. CJ               :   $15.33
  10.   Linkshare  :  $0
  11.   Shareasale : $0
  12.   Prosperent  : $0.46

Total Earnings :  $108.03

Passive Income Report – Jan 2014

Here is the passive income report for January 2014. Money from amazon india & flipkart has been converted from INR to USD to make it easier to compare.

  1. Amazon (US) : $26.33
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $3.3
  3. Flipkart         :    $12.65
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $1.54
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0
  6. Adversal     :    $0.04
  7. Adfly            :     $0.40209
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.09
  9. CJ               :   $0
  10.   Linkshare  :  $0
  11.   Shareasale : $0
  12.   Prosperent  : $0

Total Earnings :  $44.35

Passive Income Report – Dec 2013

Here is the passive income report for December 2013. Money from amazon india & flipkart has been converted from INR to USD to make it easier to compare.

  1. Amazon (US) : $134.95
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $1.06
  3. Flipkart         :    $5.15
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $3.86
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0
  6. Adversal     :    $5.92
  7. Adfly            :     $0.72058
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.09
  9. CJ               :   $27.42
  10.   Linkshare  :  $0
  11.   Shareasale : $0
  12.   Prosperent  : $37.63

Total Earnings :  $216.8

Passive Income Report – Nov 2013

Here is the income report for November 2013. Money from amazon india & flipkart has been converted from INR to USD to make it easier to compare.

  1. Amazon (US) : $110.43
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $3.86
  3. Flipkart         :    $6.82
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $4.24
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0
  6. Adversal     :    $6.85
  7. Adfly            :     $0.55910
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.71
  9. CJ               :   $15.09
  10.   Linkshare  :  $14.28
  11.   Shareasale : $0
  12.   Prosperent  : $0.21

Total Earnings :  $163.05

Passive Income Report – Oct 2013

Here is the income report for october 2013. Money from amazon india & flipkart has been converted from INR to USD to make it easier to compare.

  1. Amazon (US) : $33.54
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $0.785
  3. Flipkart         :    $24.292
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $7.10
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0.03
  6. Adversal     :    $11.29
  7. Adfly            :     $0.64
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.59
  9. CJ               :   $0
  10.   Linkshare  :  $0
  11.   Shareasale : $0
  12.   Prosperent  : $0.23

Total Earnings :  $78.5

Passive Income Report – Sept 2013

As is customary with internet marketers to show their monthly earnings, I am also hereby starting the tradition of listing the earnings from my blogging/niche site building endeavors which generally is called passive income as the efforts in building the sites are supposed to pay off month after month without much active work.


  1. Amazon (US) : $79.38
  2. Amazon (IN) :   $0.64
  3. Flipkart         :    $2.2
  4. CPMSTAR   :    $5.41
  5. CPMFUN    :    $0.38
  6. Adversal     :    $15.19
  7. Adfly            :     $0.43
  8. Smowtion  :    $0.32
  9. CJ               :   $0
  10. Linkshare  :  $0
  11. Shareasale : $0
  12. Prosperent  : $0

Total Earnings :  $103.95